I've been going through a cinemaniac crisis lately, I simply couldn't enjoy any "diffcult" movie at all. And just when I was about to surrender and admit that brainwashink chick flicks are all that I can watch, my local cinema made me realize, that it wasn't a pathology, just a lack of the right stimulator. Yet another adaptation of one of my top favourite novels of all time, "Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Bronte, has made it to Dublin screens!
The film itself is a real masterpiece. I instantly fell for its raw beauty, darkness and mysterious atmosphere. It's been ages since I read the book (in Polish, sadly), so I might get vague about a detail or two, but it seems that the script is pretty close to the original story. At the time when I was reading the novel, I obviously paid more attention to the romantic thread, which is indeed beautiful, unusual and moving, but when watching the movie two days ago, something else has provided me with food for thoughts. Not the love of Jane and Edward, but Jane herself.

I tend to say that the biggest inspiration in my adult life are Kurt Vonnegut's novels - indeed, thanks to this gentleman I keep looking at life a bit bitterly and not too serious, he was also the one to give me an idea of building my very own planet where I can go, when life on Earth is a bit too much to handle. But now, when I go back in time even further, I think it's Jane Eyre who made me keep my teeth and claws sharp over the years.
Ladies! When your daughters are grown up enough, make them read "Jane Eyre". They might not get it at first, but something will remain in the back of their heads for ever.

BTW, I did feel it before, but couldn't put my finger on it - "Twilight" was inspired big time by this story, don't you think?
The film itself is a real masterpiece. I instantly fell for its raw beauty, darkness and mysterious atmosphere. It's been ages since I read the book (in Polish, sadly), so I might get vague about a detail or two, but it seems that the script is pretty close to the original story. At the time when I was reading the novel, I obviously paid more attention to the romantic thread, which is indeed beautiful, unusual and moving, but when watching the movie two days ago, something else has provided me with food for thoughts. Not the love of Jane and Edward, but Jane herself.
Even though she grew up in times when children had no rights whatsoever, nun's kane had to do for morality and the ultimate virtue of a woman was her constant ability to kneel in front of a priest and a rich master, she's always known better. She wasn't afraid of her mean aunt or the ruthless nuns, because she simply could tell right from wrong. She feared nothing, she didn't let anyone to mislead her, nor to terrorize her. She wasn't afraid of feeling love or hate, think for herself, decide on her own. Wise, unbreakable and passionate, she kept her inner world of dreams and beliefs, never losing even a bit of her dignity, in spite of the people around her, who tried very hard to kill the amazing personality she had.
I tend to say that the biggest inspiration in my adult life are Kurt Vonnegut's novels - indeed, thanks to this gentleman I keep looking at life a bit bitterly and not too serious, he was also the one to give me an idea of building my very own planet where I can go, when life on Earth is a bit too much to handle. But now, when I go back in time even further, I think it's Jane Eyre who made me keep my teeth and claws sharp over the years.
Ladies! When your daughters are grown up enough, make them read "Jane Eyre". They might not get it at first, but something will remain in the back of their heads for ever.
BTW, I did feel it before, but couldn't put my finger on it - "Twilight" was inspired big time by this story, don't you think?